Heavy-Heavy (H-H) Industry Benches feature heavy beams measuring 14x21 cm – 5.5”x8.2” and are mounted on sturdy supports with an industrial appearance. In contrast to standard H-H Benches, whose supports are concealed under the beams, the supports of H-H Industry beams are visible halfway up the beam. The Streetlock® nuts protrude through these plates to allow for fixing of the beams. The Streetlock© system extends the lifespan because the beams are easy to rotate, even after ten years. An attractive connecting support unit enables extra-long bench configurations.
The supports are made of hot-dip galvanised steel, CorTen or powder-coated steel. The benches, with 3 or 4 beams and have standard lengths of 234 and 300 cm – 92” and 118”.
The H-H beams are made from FSC Hardwood or Lava Grey, a maintenance-free recyclate. Lava Grey is a sustainable alternative to wood and consists entirely of recycled household plastic waste.

Possibilities and constraints
- Available in standard lengths of ca.234 or 300 cm
- Standard seating depths are ca.46 cm (3 beams) or 62 cm (4 beams)
- By default finished in galvanised steel (-TH), optionally steel parts in untreated weathering steel (-CT) or finished in a double layer powder coating (-PC)