Streetlife's Bridges Collection is a very special part of the design range. These small pedestrian and bicycle bridges are designed, produced and installed by Streetlife. A step-by-step schematic plan enables you to oversee the entire Bridge Process.
A Design & Deliver process removes a large number of potential risks for the client. By outsourcing the entire process to a single company, costs are kept to a minimum. All Streetlife Bridges are engineered to local standards and checked by external engineers to ensure compliance with the relevant national legislation. They are architecturally designed bridges with a timeless character.
The Bridges are fitted with your choice of decking from our Decking Systems. In addition to more conventional decking systems we have developed the Dotsdeck® system, which enables a bridge to be fully finished in CorTen. The addition of the raised geometric design gives the decking extra anti-slip properties. The Solideck® is made with 7cm x 7cm wooden Solid beams, using the highest durability class of FSC® hardwood.