Part of Streetlife’s Rough&Ready (R&R) product range, Rough&Ready Curved Shades offer a modular shade solution for public spaces. The R&R wooden beams measure 7x15 cm - 2.8”x5.9”. The beams are fitted onto heavy gauge Streetlock® combs that are fully integrated with the structure, satisfying both function and providing an attractive form.
To reduce the weight of the structure, R&R Shades are manufactured from preserved Accoya (FSC mix 70%). This sand yellow wood ages very evenly over time and has a long lifespan, comparable to hardwood. From 2020, the extremely durable Accoya will replace the previously applied W-Wood.
The steel structure is available in hot-dip galvanised or powder coated versions. With this modular system, multiple curved configurations can be created with a minimum oustide radius of 10 metres - 394”.
Module sizes: 240x240, 300x240, 240x300 and 300x300 cm
94”x94”, 118”x94”, 94”x118”or 118”x118”

Possibilities and constraints
- Standard setups are 240×240, 240×300 or 300×300 cm
- Standard height of ca.300 cm
- By default finished in galvanised steel (-TH), optionally steel parts finished in a double layer powder coating (-PC)