The Shrubtubs Square are tree tubs made from 4mm – 0.15” thick CorTen steel. They contain a volume of substrate up to a maximum of 5 m³ – 177 cu ft. and are suitable for shrubs, multi-stemmed trees. Bigger city trees depend on this substrate volume.
The Shrubtub Square is a beautiful, sleekly detailed product available with a special double-layer powder coating. The Shrubtubs can be easily relocated and have anchoring for the root ball. To prevent sagging due to soil pressure, the single-walled sides are reinforced with an upper frame. If necessary, this edge can be deepened to allow grilles to be installed.

Possibilities and constraints
- Standard height ca.75 or 90 cm above ground level, internal height ca. 68 resp. 83 cm
- On request available in custom lengths of up to ca.230 cm
- The standard material is untreated weathering steel (-CT), optionally at a surcharge finished in a double layer powder coating (-PC)